The Environmental Impact of a Neglected Septic System



The Environmental Impact of a Neglected Septic System

Septic systems are known for their various benefits. They are cost-effective, durable, and environmentally friendly. However, that is only when they are installed correctly, used for the right reasons, and maintained properly. When one of these criteria isn’t met, the septic system might be harmful to both you and the environment. When these bacteria are released, your groundwater may cause a lot of diseases.

In addition to viruses and bacteria, a failed septic system may also release nitrogen and phosphorus into the groundwater, contaminate your drinking sources, and contaminate the ecosystem.

Neglecting a septic system can have significant negative effects on the environment, impacting the quality of the soil, groundwater, surface water, and even the air.

Water Surface Pollution

Leaking septic systems can contaminate adjacent water bodies like lakes, rivers, and streams and can lead to fish mortality, abnormal growth of algae (due to excessive nutrients), and can destroy the overall element balance of the water body. Additionally, the released contaminants, like viruses, bacteria, fungi, and medications, can kill aquatic life and disturb ecosystems and the food chain.

Emission of Greenhouse Gases

Methane and nitrous oxide, two strong greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change, can be released by malfunctioning septic systems.

Regular Septic Tank Pumping Is Important Because;

Prevents System Failure

Since your septic tank will be constantly exposed to waste, it’s only natural for some particles to accumulate over time, and sometimes, the microflora inside the septic tank aren’t able to break those down. Unfortunately, due to this, some particle accumulation might occur. As a result of this accumulation, overfilling can happen, which can end up with clogs and backups.

Reduces The Costs

Septic tank repairs and system replacement can be avoided with routine septic system pumping and maintenance. It is preferable to maintain the system to reduce these costs because repairs or new septic tank installation are both expensive and time-consuming.

Preserves Both Your Health and Environment

A poorly managed septic system poses a threat to the environment, your family, and your health.

Elongates The Lifespan Of Your System

Your septic system can survive much longer with routine upkeep and pumping. A well-maintained system can endure for decades, whereas one that is ignored has to be replaced with a new one much sooner.

Increase The Functionality Of Your Tank With Routine Maintenance

Septic tanks require very little maintenance. They only need to be pumped every three to five years and need yearly inspections and cleanings to ensure functionality. Compared to the many benefits they provide, this is a great maintenance routine. An average homeowner cannot complete the task of septic tank pumping on their own because the process requires the right equipment, expertise, and deep knowledge of how to handle waste appropriately. So, calling the experts of Charlotte Septic Pros is crucial before the septic tank starts to create problems. We are a professional septic company that offers a variety of septic services, including pumping, repair, and replacement. Call us today to learn more about our services and schedule your appointment.

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