The Dangers of a Damaged Septic System



The Dangers of a Damaged Septic System

Septic systems, like the majority of your home's components, require routine upkeep. The septic system should last for many years if it is properly maintained. There is a serious risk of failure and overwhelming costs for repair if it is not properly maintained. Additionally, septic systems have a limited lifespan and will eventually require replacement. A septic system that breaks down or doesn't function properly can hurt the health of people and animals and pollute the environment. A mindful septic owner is aware of the indications of danger and acts proactively when found. You too can be a cautious owner with the help of this guide.

Septic System Failure

Untreated sewage is released and transported to undesirable locations when a septic system fails. This could result in sewage backing up in the building's pipes or coming to the surface of the ground around the tank or drain field. It is also possible for the sewage to enter the surface or groundwater without your knowledge. The sewage conveys microbes and other hazardous impurities. People and animals can get sick from being around these pathogens and contaminants.

Environmental Dangers

  • Methane Gas: As the raw sewage that was flushed into your septic tank begins to decompose, a lot of gases build up there. Methane gas is one of the most harmful gases that leak back into your home when a septic tank breaks down. There are numerous ways that methane gas could harm your family. One way is by cutting off the oxygen supply in the air. If you reduce the amount of oxygen in your home, you put your family at risk of dying from asphyxiation. Additionally, methane gas is highly combustible. As a result, there is a greater chance of an explosion occurring within your home if your failing septic tank allows methane to enter. Having regular inspections with a septic company is one way to prevent the dangers of methane gas.
  • Hydrogen Sulfide: Hydrogen sulfide is one of the most familiar sewer gases released when your septic tank begins to fail. Many homeowners compare it to the smell of rotten eggs. Hydrogen sulfide can be harmful to your family's health as well as irritate your sense of smell. The nervous system of the body can be impaired by exposure to hydrogen sulfide gas. Depending on the concentration of the gas molecules in the air, your home can also cause eye irritation and possibly permanent damage. When hydrogen sulfide filters back into your home through a failing septic tank, it is also extremely explosive, jeopardizing its stability. Be sure to keep up with regular maintenance such as septic tank pumping to avoid any death threats.
  • Bacteria: Bacteria that can be breathed in can be carried by the fumes that enter your home from a leaking septic tank. When breathed in frequently, these pathogens can cause sinus infections and other respiratory illnesses, which can make your family sick. Inadequately maintained septic tanks can also permit the growth of bacteria in the soil around them. The bacteria eventually enter your groundwater supply, contaminating the water that your family consumes.

If you want to protect yourself and your family from harmful contaminants inside your septic tank, you need to be strict with following maintenance rules. Regular inspections and septic tank pumping in Fairview, NC will take you a long way. If you’re still on the lookout for a reliable septic company to trust your septic system with, Charlotte Septic Pros is here for you anytime.

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